NOVELSKI RZ  product photo view-3 L
NOVELSKI RZ  product photo front L
NOVELSKI RZ  product photo view-2 L
NOVELSKI RZ  product photo view-3 L
NOVELSKI RZ  product photo front L
NOVELSKI RZ  product photo front S
NOVELSKI RZ  product photo view-2 S
NOVELSKI RZ  product photo view-3 S

• Red Batavia type
• Strong against bolting
• Semi closed type
• For year round production

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Variety name
Introduction number
81-92 RZ
Crop type
Batavia Lettuce
Product label
No label
Resistance (HR)

Novelski RZ is a batavia lettuce with attractive medium-red, wavy edged leaves and a semi-closed head. It is very resistant to bolting making it a reliable batavia for year-round outdoor production.

• Semi-closed type
• Good resistance to bolting
• Year-round performer