BLUESMA RZ F1  product photo view-3 L
BLUESMA RZ F1  product photo front L
BLUESMA RZ F1  product photo view-2 L
BLUESMA RZ F1  product photo view-3 L
BLUESMA RZ F1  product photo front L
BLUESMA RZ F1  product photo front S
BLUESMA RZ F1  product photo view-2 S
BLUESMA RZ F1  product photo view-3 S
  • Uniform size and weight for compact fresh markets
  • Healthy crop,
  • strong against bacterial infections
  • 78 - 95 growing days



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Variety name
Introduction number
30-WC735 RZ F1
Crop type
White cabbage
Resistance (HR)
Resistance (IR)

Bluesma RZ is a round white cabbage with waxy blue-green foliage and a weight range of 1,5 to 3,0 kg. Its long field standability ensures a stable weight range, ideal for compact fresh markets. The round heads are easy to clean and keep a protective wax-layer. Plants show medium vigour with healthy bottom and strong performance against bacteria. This variety performs best during warm and humid summer conditions.

• Healthy crop,
• strong against bacterial infections