BENUE RZ F1  product photo view-2 L
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BENUE RZ F1  product photo view-2 L
BENUE RZ F1  product photo front L
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BENUE RZ F1  product photo view-2 S

African Eggplant
• Large fruit size
• Extended shelf life
• High yield

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Variety name
Introduction number
90-301 RZ F1
Crop type

Size, Yield, Shelf life

Benue RZ F1 is an African Eggplant of the Gilo Sweet type. The large sized fruit (up to 200g) is smooth with an oval shape. The fruit of Benue RZ F1 has a good white colour which is retained for an extended period after harvest. Benue RZ F1 is versatile depending on market needs – it can be harvested at full size or it can be harvested younger for markets that need smaller fruit. It has been especially developed for longer shelf life which can be up to 10 days when harvested younger. The plant of Benue RZ F1 is vigorous with good continuity of flowering and fruit set. The dark green leaves are unattractive to broad mite and red spider mite, and this together with the overall plant health gives a high yield potential.