LIBERO RZ product photo view-4 L
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LIBERO RZ product photo view-4 L
LIBERO RZ product photo front L
LIBERO RZ product photo front S
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LIBERO RZ product photo view-3 S
LIBERO RZ product photo view-4 S

• Beetroot
• All-purpose
• Round shape with smooth skin
• Excellent internal colour
• Strong against bolting
• Fast-growing variety with high yield
• Fresh and bunching

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Variety name
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Crop type

High-quality beet

Libero RZ is a red beet variety for both the fresh market and the processing industry, and is also suitable for mini beet production. It has a nice round shape and smooth skin, and is a very attractive red colour. The external quality is very good. Libero RZ has a small leaf implant. This variety is recommended for temperate and (sub)tropical climates.

  • Very good external quality
  • For both fresh market and processing industry
  • Average beet diameter: 85 mm